
Check out the latest resources to stay updated on all things Intellectual Property.

3 questions Canadians should ask before selling their branded and proprietary property into the US.


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You need to enforce your IP rights (patents, trademarks, copyrights) against potential infringers.

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You receive a cease-and-desist letter or lawsuit alleging infringement of someone else’s IP rights.

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You want to file a patent, trademark, or copyright application to safeguard your inventions, brand names, or creative works.

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Opinion Work / Due Diligence

You need to confirm your right to use specific technology, a brand name, or other creative content to ensure you’re not infringing on someone else’s IP rights.

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You need to address potential intellectual property disputes by sending or responding to cease and desist letters to protect your rights or resolve claims.

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You need to assess patent, trademark, or copyright options for new technology, brand names, or artistic works.

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Intellectual Property rights are essential throughout every stage of a business’s life cycle.

1. Early Stages

Pivotal for capital investment support.

2. Established Stage

Safeguard branding, market share, and foster innovation.

3. Mature Stage

Adding exceptional value beyond conventional profit expectations.